Best WordPress Cache Plugins for 2024

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The speed of your WordPress site can either help it succeed or hold it back. With so many tools to make your site run faster, there are ways to optimize its speed. This article looks at the best WordPress cache plugins and site speed optimization tools available in the market today and covers important areas such as features, pros and cons, and the types of users they work best with.

TLDR / Best Cache Plugins

  • WP Rocket
  • WP Fastest Cache
  • Cache Enabler
  • WP Super Cache
  • W3 Total Cache

TLDR / Best Addons to Speed Up Sites

  • NitroPack
  • Perfmatters
  • WP Super Minify
  • Smush
  • LazyLoads by WP Rocket

1. WP Rocket 

WP Rocket is a popular plugin designed to specifically improve the loading speed of your WordPress website. It tackles this in a few ways. One key feature is caching, where WP Rocket creates static copies of your website’s pages. This means visitors don’t have to wait for all the website’s code to load every time they visit a page, significantly improving performance.

WP Rocket also includes other optimization techniques, such as minifying code (removing unnecessary characters) and optimizing images. Overall, it helps your website load faster, leading to a better user experience and potentially improving your search engine ranking.

It was created by Jonathan Buttigieg and Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier in 2013 to make WordPress caching easier without affecting speed. The goal of WP Rocket was to make caching available to all users, no matter how skilled they were. It quickly became known for its easy-to-use method of optimization.


  • Easy to set up and get going.
  • Speeds things up with little work, from lazy loading to database optimization.


  • WP Rocket’s high price may turn off customers trying to save money.
  • You need to pay a yearly membership fee to keep the app up-to-date.


WP Rocket provides one-year upgrades and support for single websites and many sites or agencies starting at $59, and discounts are available.

2. WP Fastest Cache 

WP Fastest Cache is a WordPress plugin known for its ease of use and effectiveness in speeding up your website. It primarily works through caching, similar to WP Rocket and NitroPack. Creating static copies of your website’s pages reduces the load time for visitors who don’t need the latest dynamic content. WP Fastest Cache offers various caching methods and excels in leveraging server-side caching when available, which is generally the fastest option.

The plugin goes beyond just caching, though. It can also minify HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, shrink their size, and speed up loading. Additionally, WP Fastest Cache offers options to optimize image delivery and reduce the number of HTTP requests your website makes, further streamlining the loading process.

WP Fastest Cache joined WordPress to offer cache options that are both easy to use and powerful. Since its release, it’s been a popular choice because it’s easy to use and good at speed improvement.


  • Simple setup process and easy to use.
  • Features make it easy for users to speed up their sites.
  • The free version does an excellent job of storing, but the paid version has more tools.


    • A paid upgrade is needed for full optimization.
    • Limited support resources for beginners.


    A necessary caching version of WP Fastest Cache is free. People who pay for the premium version can access more features and expert help to create unique improvement solutions.

    3. Cache Enabler

    Cache Enabler is a lightweight WordPress plugin that speeds up your website with page caching. It creates static HTML files of your website’s pages and stores them on your server. When a visitor requests a page, the server can deliver the pre-made static version instead of rebuilding it dynamically every time. This significantly reduces loading times for visitors.

    Cache Enabler is known for its simplicity. It offers minimal configuration options, making it easy to use even for beginners. You can set an expiration time for the cached pages and choose to exclude specific pages from being cached, but overall, it’s a straightforward tool for improving website performance.

    Quick backstory: KeyCDN created a Cache Enabler to allow WordPress users to cache their sites effectively without slowing them down. It was made to be light and easy to use, and it quickly became famous for being simple and efficient.


    • It’s easy to set up simple caching and minification with Cache Enabler.
    • Cache Enabler is a small tool that works smoothly to speed up and improve your site’s performance.
    • Adding KeyCDN helps improve site speed, content delivery, load times, and user experience.


    • The plugin might need extra plugins to do more than what other cache plugins can do.
    • Great for advanced users, but initial setup is more involved.


    Basic caching and minification are free with Cache Enabler. Its lightweight characteristics help boost WordPress site performance without cost.

    4. WP Super Cache:

    WP Super Cache is a free and popular WordPress plugin that tackles website speed through various caching techniques. Like others on this list, it creates static HTML copies of your pages. This way, visitors don’t need to wait for all the website’s code to be processed every time they visit, which can significantly improve loading speed.

    WP Super Cache offers different caching methods with varying levels of flexibility. It can also compress pages to reduce file size and improve delivery speed. While not as feature-rich as some paid options, WP Super Cache is a user-friendly and effective solution for boosting your WordPress website’s performance.

    Since its release over ten years ago, Automattic has made WP Super Cache an essential part of the WordPress community. Because it focuses on reliability and ease of use, it has a reputation for providing reliable storage solutions to people worldwide.


    • WP Super Cache is simple to set up and install, even for experienced users.
    • The plugin lets users choose the storing method that works best for them.
    • Volunteers who use and write for WordPress keep WP Super Cache practical and up to date.


      • May not suit sites requiring specific optimizations.
      • Caching is less effective for frequently updated sites.


      WP Super Cache offers free, dependable caching—moreover, WordPress users looking to boost site performance without spending money like its simplicity and efficacy.

      5. W3 Total Cache

      W3 Total Cache is an all-around caching plugin for WordPress that goes beyond just basic page caching. It offers a suite of performance optimization features. Like others, it creates cached copies of pages, but it can also cache database objects and minify code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to reduce file sizes.

      W3 Total Cache even integrates with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to deliver website assets from geographically distributed servers, further speeding up loading times for visitors worldwide. This plugin provides a powerful solution for optimizing website performance, but its extensive options can be more complex to set up for non-technical users.

      Interestingly enough, in 2009, Frederick Townes created W3 Total Cache, which is now one of the best caching apps for WordPress. It was the best caching tool because it was hard to beat and had many features.


      • Users can choose how to use caching with W3 Total Cache.
      • Easy to link to Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to speed up websites.


        • It is not ideal for beginners due to its advanced features.
        • Requires additional setup for some server environments.


        You can use W3 Total Cache for free to do all its caching and performance. Even though it’s complicated, the tool is popular among expert WordPress users who want to speed up their sites.

        Best Addons to Speed Up Your Website

              1. NitroPack

                  NitroPack is another website optimization tool designed specifically for WordPress websites, though it can also work with WooCommerce stores and custom-built sites. Similar to WP Rocket, it focuses on making your website load faster. It achieves this through a combination of techniques without requiring any coding expertise.

                  NitroPack utilizes cloud-based caching, meaning it creates optimized versions of your website’s files on its servers. This reduces your server’s workload and speeds up page loading for visitors. Additionally, NitroPack employs image optimization techniques, compressing images and converting them to WebP format (where supported) for faster loading times. It also minifies code and utilizes lazy loading for images, ensuring only what’s needed is loaded initially, further improving website performance.

                  Quick backstory: NitroPack was released as a complete tool for speed improvement. When it first came out, it changed how websites were sped up. It was made to make speeding up websites easier.


                  • Thanks to a CDN, site connections and shrinking images are much better with NitroPack.
                  • Core Web Vitals and page start times are much better with NitroPack.


                    • Some users may not like the “powered by” tag at the bottom of the page on the free plan.
                    • New users may find it hard to change things in NitroPack.


                    NitroPack offers a free plan suitable for small sites or testing purposes, albeit with a ‘powered by’ badge. Paid plans, starting at higher tiers, provide access to additional resources and the removal of the badge.

                    2. Perfmatters 

                    Perfmatters is a WordPress plugin that helps you fine-tune your website’s performance. Unlike some plugins that focus on caching, Perfmatters gives you granular control. You can disable features or scripts you don’t need on specific pages, like social media buttons that only make sense on blog posts.

                    It also tackles database bloat by cleaning up old revisions and drafts. Perfmatters even lets you optimize images and prefetch resources to make your website feel faster to users. It eliminates unnecessary elements that can slow down your site’s loading speed.

                    Perfmatters emerged with a distinctive approach to speed optimization. It empowers users to enhance performance by selectively turning off unnecessary WordPress features. Furthermore, launched with this unique vision, Perfmatters aimed to give users greater control over their site’s performance.


                    • Easy to connect with caching tools to improve speed and usefulness.
                    • Users can change performance features by giving them fine-grained control.


                    • Advanced features may require technical know-how and are harder for some users.
                    • Yearly paid updates and registration fees could be problematic for spenders.


                    Perfmatters offers membership plans starting at $24.95 a year. These plans give users access to changes and help them keep optimizing.

                        3. WP Super Minify:

                        WP Super Minify was created to meet the need for faster HTML, JavaScript, and CSS file compression. Furthermore, it was released to the WordPress community to improve website loading times by optimizing files more effectively.


                        • WP Super Minify compresses and optimizes files with little help from the user.
                        • The tool reduces the size of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files, making the website faster.
                        • Works well with many site settings and is compatible with most WP themes and plugins.


                          • May require troubleshooting due to plugin/theme conflicts.
                          • Fewer options for fine-tuning optimization.


                          WP Super Minify is free, so users can use its features to compress and optimize files without spending money. Even though it’s simple, the app is still a helpful way to improve website speed by compressing files more efficiently.

                            4. Smush

                            Smush is a popular WordPress plugin specifically designed to optimize images on your website. Large image files can slow down loading times, so Smush tackles this by compressing them without sacrificing noticeable image quality. It uses a technique called lossless compression, which removes unnecessary data from the image file without affecting how it looks.

                            Smush offers various compression levels, so you can find the right balance between image quality and file size reduction. It can also automatically optimize images as you upload them to your WordPress site, saving you time and effort. Overall, Smush is a simple and effective tool to help your WordPress website run smoother by keeping image file sizes under control.

                            Smush, which was based on Yahoo Smush. Similarly, its service was created to meet the need for faster WordPress sites with better speed and optimized images. It does this automatically and without losing any quality.


                            • The Smush tool automatically optimizes images so websites load faster and files are more diminutive.
                            • The tool works perfectly with all major page builders and picture albums in various WordPress settings.
                            • Smush speeds up website loading and improves the user experience by eliminating extra bytes in image files.


                              • Smush optimizes images. Therefore, it may not fix cache or script loading difficulties. You may need plugins or solutions to optimize everything.
                              • Its free version may have restrictions, especially for more significant websites with vast picture collections, requiring paid features for the entire operation.


                              Smush is free, but a commercial version offers extensive picture optimization functions. Smush remains popular with WordPress users seeking effective image-optimizing solutions despite its specialty.

                                5. LazyLoad by WP Rocket:

                                Lazy Load by WP Rocket is a feature specifically designed to improve website loading speed. It focuses on images, videos, and iframes (embedded content). Here’s the gist: instead of loading all of these elements at once when someone visits your webpage, Lazy Load prioritizes what’s “above the fold” (the part of the page visible without scrolling).

                                This means visitors see the most important content first, and images and other media lower down the page only load when the user scrolls to them. This reduces the initial load time and makes your website feel faster overall. Lazy Load by WP Rocket works seamlessly with their caching features for a powerful performance optimization combo.

                                LazyLoad by WP Rocket was created to speed up website loading times. It ensures that images and iframes are only loaded when the user can see them, which speeds up page loads.


                                • Optimizes site speed by delaying image and iframe loading until they are visible.
                                • Efficient lazy loading with minimal performance impact.
                                • Easy setup; works across various WordPress configurations.


                                  • Ineffective for some files, requiring alternative solutions.
                                  • The free version offers limited customization for slow loading.


                                  Users can use the free slow-loading tool from WP Rocket. Even though it only focuses on one thing, the tool speeds up page loads by optimizing the loading of images and iframes.

                                    Choosing the Right Cache Plugin

                                    To wrap this, simple and sweet, there are many factors when considering the best cache plugin for your WordPress site. In our experience, WP Rocket stands out with its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, making it an ideal choice for those seeking simplicity without sacrificing functionality. However, its premium pricing and subscription model may deter users on a budget.

                                    Now, NitroPack offers features like automated optimization and customizable settings, making it a good option for those prioritizing convenience and flexibility, albeit with some limitations in the free plan.

                                    Perfmatters takes a unique approach by allowing users to fine-tune performance settings and turn off unnecessary features, making it ideal for those seeking granular control over their site’s optimization.

                                    In contrast, Cache Enabler and WP Super Cache are light options for simple cache needs. With WP Fastest Cache, you get reliable caching and an easy-to-use free version that doesn’t have many advanced features. W3 Total Cache has many features advanced users like, but learning takes longer.

                                    And last but not least–WP Super Minify, Smush, and LazyLoad by WP Rocket. They focus on compressing files, improving images, and letting users choose when to load images for users with specific speed problems. Ultimately, the choice will depend on the needs of your website, your professional skills, and your budget.

                                    As always, we’d love to hear from you. What do you guys think? Anything that caught your eye? Anything that we missed? Leave a comment and let’s keep the conversation going. If you want to find more about this topic, check out other popular posts all around the site.

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