Launching a Blog? Here’s How Many Posts You Really Need to Start

4 Min Read

When you’re starting a blog, figuring out how many posts you need before launch can feel overwhelming. Many new bloggers rush to fill their blog with as much content as possible, thinking it will make them appear more established. I know I did.

But let me tell you—more isn’t always better.

The Problem: Quantity Over Quality

Take my early blogging days as an example. I was so eager to get my blog off the ground that I pumped out 20 posts in just a few weeks. The result? Most of the content was rushed, lacking depth and failing to provide real value to my readers.

This problem isn’t unique. Darren Rowse, the founder of ProBlogger, shared a similar experience when he launched one of his blogs with 40 posts in 10 days. In hindsight, he realized that it was too much, too fast, and the content suffered​.

The common mistake is prioritizing quantity over quality.

You feel pressure to bulk up your site but risk burning out and producing mediocre content. Instead, the key to a successful launch is starting with focused, high-quality content.

The Solution: Focus on Core, Valuable Content

Here’s the better approach: start small but make it count. Many experts, including Blog Tyrantsuggest launching with 3 to 5 strong posts. These should be well-thought-out pieces that showcase your blog’s content and give readers a reason to stick around​.

Think of these initial posts as the backbone of your blog. You don’t need a ton of content right off the bat—what you need are posts that provide real value, answer key questions, and establish your voice in your niche​.

Darren Rowse also advocates for a more measured approach. When launching Digital Photography School, he posted 3 times a week and gradually ramped up the content​ because this allows you to grow sustainably while keeping your quality high.

Blending Strategy: Quality with Consistency

Aiming for 5–10 posts is a solid middle ground. It gives you enough content to attract readers and search engines without overwhelming yourself. When you focus on producing consistent, valuable content, you set the tone for your blog.

You could even post daily for the first week and then ease into a manageable schedule of 1–2 posts per week​.

Conclusion: The Sweet Spot

There is no “real” number of posts that you should start your blog with. It’s not about how many posts you start with—it’s about the quality and value of those posts. Launch with 3 to 10 well-crafted pieces that showcase your niche and provide answers or solutions to your readers’ problems.

Consistency and quality will always beats sheer volume. Start strong, and as your blog grows, so will your content. Keep it manageable and always aim to deliver value with every post.

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Hiya! Jean here, writer, content creator, and digital publisher at The Blog Channel. I built this space to share my experience and insights, saving you time on your journey to success. I only recommend what I trust and have used myself, so you can be sure it's worth your while!
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