An Easy Guide to Making Money on Medium: Real Talk for New Writers

10 Min Read

Medium is often marketed as a place where writers can express themselves, share ideas, and — most importantly — make money. But let’s get real for a second. While making money on Medium is possible, it’s not a guaranteed cash machine and requires strategy and effort. 

You won’t just write one article, go viral, and start cashing checks. I hate to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work that way. If you want to make a consistent income on Medium, here’s what you need to know.

How to Make Money on Medium

1. Join Medium’s Partner Program (MPP)

The Medium Partner Program is your gateway to making money on the platform. Once you join, you can start earning based on how much time paying Medium members spend reading your stories. So, the more engaging your content, the more people will read, and the more you’ll earn.

Steps to Join:

  • Create an Account: If you’re not already on Medium, create an account. It’s free and easy.
  • Apply to the Partner Program: You need to meet Medium’s eligibility requirements, which include having a Stripe account (for payments) and being located in an eligible country.
  • Publish Paywalled Stories: Once you’re in the Partner Program, you can choose to paywall your stories, which means only Medium members can read them in full. These paywalled stories are the ones you’ll earn money from.

Pro Tip: Keep some of your content free to attract a larger audience, but paywall the higher-value pieces to drive earnings.

2. Write Consistently (It’s a Numbers Game)

If you’re serious about making money on Medium, you can’t just post a few articles and hope for the best. Success on Medium is about volume and consistency. The more you write, the more chances you have to hit the sweet spot with readers.

  • Post Regularly: Aim to publish at least once a week to keep your name in front of readers. The more stories you have, the higher your chances of making money.
  • Write Longer Stories: Medium’s algorithm seems to favor longer, well-thought-out pieces. Stories that are around 1,000–2,000 words generally do better.
  • Experiment with Topics: Don’t stick to just one subject. See what resonates with your readers. Over time, you’ll figure out which topics drive the most engagement and earnings.

Pro Tip: Don’t expect overnight success. Building an audience and generating significant income takes time, so stay patient and keep producing content.

3. Write for a Niche Audience

Medium has millions of stories, so if you want to stand out and make money, you need to write for a specific niche. Broad, generic content won’t cut it. Whether it’s personal finance, health, technology, or productivity hacks, focus on a niche that you’re knowledgeable about and that has an audience eager for content.

  • Find a Niche with Demand: Research Medium to see what niches have active communities. Use Medium’s search bar to look up keywords related to your interests and see how many people are writing and reading about them.
  • Solve Problems: Readers come to Medium for answers. Write stories that provide value, whether it’s how-to guides, tips, or personal experiences that can help others.

Pro Tip: Once you establish yourself in a niche, you’ll start building a loyal following that will engage with and read more of your paywalled stories.

4. Optimize for Medium’s Algorithm

Medium has an algorithm that decides how stories get distributed to readers. To make money, you need to understand how to optimize your stories so they reach a broader audience.

  • Write Strong Headlines: Your headline is the first thing readers see, so make it count. It should be clear, intriguing, and hint at the value inside the article.
  • Use Relevant Tags: Medium allows you to add five tags to each story. These tags help Medium categorize and promote your stories. Use keywords that are relevant to your content and popular in your niche.
  • Hook Readers in Early: The first few sentences of your story are crucial. If you can hook your readers in right away, they’re more likely to stick around and read the whole thing. That’s how you get paid — by holding their attention.

Pro Tip: Study top-performing stories in your niche to see how they structure their content, what tags they use, and how they write their headlines.

5. Submit to Medium Publications

One of the best ways to get more eyes on your stories (and earn more money) is by submitting to Medium publications. These are curated collections of articles on specific topics, often run by experienced editors. Getting your story accepted by a popular publication can give your piece a huge boost in readership.

  • Research Publications: Find relevant Medium publications in your niche. You can search Medium for publications or browse lists of top Medium publications.
  • Follow Submission Guidelines: Each publication has different submission guidelines, so follow them carefully. This might mean emailing an editor or submitting through a form.
  • Focus on Quality: Publications tend to be pickier about the stories they accept, so make sure your content is polished and provides value to readers.

Pro Tip: Getting published in big publications can dramatically increase your earnings. Popular publications bring in thousands of readers who may not have found your story otherwise.

6. Engage with the Medium Community

Medium isn’t just a platform to publish on — it’s a community. If you want to grow your readership and make money, you need to engage with other writers and readers.

  • Comment on Other Stories: Leave thoughtful comments on other writers’ stories. This helps you get noticed by other writers and their readers.
  • Clap for Stories: Use Medium’s “clap” feature to show appreciation for stories you enjoy. This can lead to more people checking out your profile and reading your content.
  • Respond to Comments: When readers leave comments on your stories, reply to them. Building relationships with readers can help turn casual readers into loyal followers.

Pro Tip: The more active you are in the community, the more you’ll learn about what works on the platform, and the more readers will notice your own work.

7. Track Your Performance and Adapt

Once you’ve been writing on Medium for a while, start tracking which stories are performing well and bringing in the most money. Medium provides stats on how many people are reading your stories, how long they’re staying, and how much you’ve earned.

  • Analyze Your Best-Performing Stories: Look at which stories are making the most money and driving the most engagement. What do they have in common? Use these insights to guide your future writing.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot: If certain topics or formats aren’t working, pivot to something new. Writing on Medium is about experimenting, learning, and adjusting based on what your audience wants.

Pro Tip: Focus on writing more of what works. If a specific topic or style is consistently bringing in the most reads, double down on it.


Making money on Medium isn’t a quick or easy path to yachts and trips to Fiji, but with the right strategy, you can turn your writing into a consistent income stream. Start by joining the Partner Program, writing consistently, and focusing on a niche audience. 

Optimize your content for Medium’s algorithm, submit to publications, and engage with the community. Over time, you’ll build an audience and see your earnings grow.

But don’t expect instant success. Like anything, making money on Medium takes time, effort, and a lot of writing. Stick with it, keep learning, and the money will follow.

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Hiya! Jean here, writer, content creator, and digital publisher at The Blog Channel. I built this space to share my experience and insights, saving you time on your journey to success. I only recommend what I trust and have used myself, so you can be sure it's worth your while!
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